Monday, November 7, 2011

How to Have an Effective Move

If you are planning to move, there are a number of things you can do to control your moving costs. Organization is the key to an economically successful move. Conversely, no organization will ensure that your move progresses slowly, and that you will pay top dollar for your relocation. 

Packing all goods into used liquor cartons is a mistake. They are small, oddly sized, and difficult to load in the truck. They will slow down your mover’s progress.  The rule of thumb is that if they are too heavy for YOU to lift, they are probably over packed. Under packed cartons waste space and cartons should always be packed tight to prevent damages.
    Another grave error shippers sometimes make is to not tape and label cartons adequately. Cartons with folded tops are hard for movers to work with; the loose corners tend to snag. Worse, some shippers fold the bottom of the box, load it full of goods, and tape the top. This is a recipe for disaster. When the mover picks up the carton, the contents invariably spill out on the floor. Proper labeling will insure the movers handle the property properly and get it to the correct location at destination.


    Another thing that will slow the movers down is to pack cartons on move day. Movers are most effective when all YOUR work is done before they arrive. The more you are prepared for your move, the faster the crew can complete the job.

    Make sure the movers have a clear path in the house and outside as well. If movers have to move things out of their way, or clear off furniture prior to moving it time will be lost. Also, make sure the path is clear for the truck to park as close to the residence as possible. More distance to the truck results in more time expended on the job and more cost for you. In addition, if your children are present during the move, you should make sure they are not in the way of the movers or playing around the truck. A truck ramp is not a safe place for child play.

    You should be sure to be at the origin location when the crew arrives, or have a representative available if you cannot be present. There is paperwork that must be signed prior to commencing the job, and your presence at the beginning of the job will ensure the movers understand how the move should progress. You should also be present at the offload, especially if you want to have your goods placed where you want them.

    Have a plan, and share it with the movers. When the movers arrive, you should complete a walk through and show them the complete scope of the move. Movers make a plan and load the truck according to the volume they see. Adding items (or roomfuls) can wreak havoc with the plan and be costly for you, the client. At destination know where you want your goods placed, and make it understandable for the crew. Color coding is great, but names work equally well. Tag the rooms, then tag the furniture and mark the boxes to match. A floor plan is great for each room to expedite handling.


    When you are moving there so much to be done! Often clients assume it would be a great idea to have other services rendered -- painting completed, appliances delivered, cable hookups completed and such -- during the course of the move, since they will be home at that time. Actually, that is a mistake that can be expensive, because the different service technicians will invariably disrupt each other and the movers.

    Make sure the facilities are on at both locations. It is hard, and sometimes impossible for a move to be completed efficiently with no electricity. It can be tortuous for movers to have no access to restroom facilities.

    Be sure to remain sober during the move. Excessive drinking can result in a bad move or worse, a bad accident. 

    In summary, the key to a successful move is organization. Each of the points illustrated here have been violated in our many years in the moving business -- seldom with good consequences. The more YOU do things right, the better and more effective your move will be.

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